The 12 chakra system includes the 7 primary chakras inside the body and 5 transpersonal chakras outside the body. The 7 primary chakras are the root (base), sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye (brow) and crown. The five additional chakras are transpersonal chakras, which integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience.
What are Chakra Systems?
Chakra is the Sanskrit word that means “wheel”. Chakras are energy points in our ethereal or *subtle body. They are part of our ethereal body, not the physical body, and as such, they are the meeting points of ethereal energy channels called nadis.
Cells and tissues actively generate electrical fields that are detectable on the surface of your skin. Any electrical current also generates a corresponding magnetic field in the surrounding space. This is the law of physics. All organs and tissues produce specific frequencies and biomagnetic fields come together into energy vortexes in our bodies. These energy vortexes are called chakras.
*Nadis are channels in which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy flows. While there are several chakra systems in the body, only 7 are considered to be the most important of the physical chakras.
In order for our bodies to function optimally, all 7 of the chakras need to be balanced, allowing our energy to flow smoothly throughout the body. If one energy center is not functioning well, the others do not function as well as they should. Some of them can even over compensate and work too hard or too much. This sends our bodies and emotions into a free-fall.
Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and sound that it is attuned to. Chakras can be knocked off balance by any number of things, including stress, trauma, grief, toxins, and even the weather.
In our modern society, it’s increasingly difficult to keep them balanced as we’re constantly rushing around, worried about what others think, and not taking adequate time for ourselves to just relax and be still.
Why Is 12 Chakra System Balance Important?
An imbalance in our chakra system means some of our chakras are underactive while others are overactive. Like anything in life, the key is balance, meaning not too much and not too little.
Our chakras transmit and receive energy, which is transmitted into psychic, emotional, and physical energy. Too much or too little energy can affect the way we think, act, and feel.
For example: If there’s too little energy flowing through the Heart Chakra, it can show as selfishness and hard heartedness. If there’s too much energy flowing, it can show as “bleeding heart” where someone who is compassionate and generous can be easily taken advantage of.
Ultimately, each chakra has to be at its correct frequency independently- and it should also be in harmony with each other. They all need to be energized, balanced, and clear. And when the chakras are all in harmony and balanced, the entire energetic vibration of the human body is raised.
The 12 Chakra System
You may be familiar with the 7 major chakras of the human body, but there is actually more however, let’s talk about the major 12 chakra system within each of us. Familiarity with the 12 chakra system adds depth, context, and appreciation for our understanding of how chakras work and how to best balance energies in our life.
Restoring the power of our chakras is about learning how to take back control of our health and wellness by learning to work with energy.
The 12 chakra system brings forth the vision of our connection to the entire universe. All living beings are part of a whole. Each of us is grounded to the earth and linked to the universe via a thin cable. That cable stretches from roughly 3 feet below our feet to miles and miles up through the atmosphere and into deep outer space.
Using the 12 chakra system allows us to draw from powerful energies outside of the human body and get in touch with the whole array of dimensions of our human experience.
The traditional 3rd-dimensional chakra colours follow the spectrum of the rainbow, while the extended system may add colours associated with metals and other elements.
We have thousands of minor chakra energetic centers throughout your body, mind, and spirit. By viewing the energy body through the 12 chakra system, we’re able to see and experience our complete and balanced energy body system.
Our entire 12 chakra system can be thought of as one brilliant ascension pillar of white light. It connects us to Divine Source above the Crystalline light of the Divine at the core of Gaia below.
These chakras might not be in an order that we are familiar with. This is because we are outlining the 12 chakra system that now belongs to the ascension process here on Earth.
This new chakra system is outlined by those who are in the ascension process and actively work with the 12 chakra system, archangels, the angelic realm, and higher consciousness.
Chakra 1- Earth Star Chakra
As a physical being on Earth, we have a unique connection with the Ascending Earth, and to All that Is. Our Earth Star Chakra is our personal link to the Earth’s life force, to the crystalline grid, and to the Divine light contained within the Earth.
As our soul progresses through the primary ascension stage, our Earth Star chakra expands in size and power. Its role is to guide us to the location allocated for our mission.
When we are born, our 5th dimensional chakra blueprint is programmed with the content of the life mission for our master self. Our Earth Star chakra knows exactly where we are supposed to be on the planet.
Chakra 2- Root or Base Chakra : Muladhara
Our Root Chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of our spine, in our pelvic area, and at the center of our body. Our Root Chakra is our grounding chakra which helps us to stay centered, secure, active, energized, and present.
It’s connected to our sense of belonging, feeling grounded, and safety. Our connection to our family, our ancestry, and planet Earth all reside here in our body.
It’s essential to pay attention to our Root Chakra in order for the others to function well. The keyword here is survival. All our survival instincts, resilience, and self-preservation characteristics live here.
If we’ve recently had surgery, a major illness or trauma like physical violence or betrayal, or if you have a history that includes neglect, abandonment, or instability, our Root chakra needs support.
Our Root Chakra allows Divine energy to flow from the Earth up into the rest of our chakras, and is an important foundation for the 7 chakras that are contained within our physical body.
The 5th dimensional base chakra is the anchor point of our ascended mastery. The base chakra frequency tries to draw our attention to an understanding of who we truly are and this is one of the most important lessons that it’s teaching us on the master pathway.
Chakra 3- Sacral or Sex Chakra : Svadhisthana
Our Sacral Chakra is our center of creativity and sexuality. Dealing with issues of relationships and how we interact socially, it is the dwelling place of our Self.
The Sacral Chakra rules abundance, creativity, wellness, pleasure, and joy. It also controls passion, sex, and sexual pleasure, and brings the lessons of learning to let go.
The 5th dimensional sacral chakra has provided some challenging lessons to those on the ascension pathway. This chakra concerns our sexuality and interrelating with others. Family relationships tend to be formed from this chakra, depending on the karmic blueprint that our soul brings into incarnation.
Chakra 4- Navel Chakra
The navel chakra is situated right at the navel (between the Sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra). This chakra governs divine masculine qualities of courage, strength, and protection of the weak summing up to empowerment.
Chakra 5- Solar Plexus Chakra : Manipura
The Solar Plexus Chakra is our personal power center, and is a storehouse of energy, both positive (growth and healing) and negative (pain, fear, and stress).
The Solar Plexus is our center of will, and it controls issues from the past as well as ambitions and goals for success in the future. This is the center of our personality as a physical being as well, and its state of balance is directly correlated with our sense of willpower, self-acceptance, and our ambition to succeed.
Chakra 6- Heart Chakra : Anahata
Our Heart Chakra is located in the center of our being and is where the physical and spiritual meet, and where our emotions come into play.
The heart controls relationships, and when it’s open, it allows us to flow while relating with others with love and compassion. An open heart chakra allows you to be empathetic to the feelings and emotions of others, while remaining true and in tune with our own.
The heart rules emotional healing, and love of self and others, as well as overseeing our appreciation of beauty, and our willingness for compassion. The heart is a sacred portal, which when open allows us to access the gifts of our higher energetic centers, and in and of itself is the doorway to the realms of angels and Divine love.
Chakra 7- Throat Chakra : Vishuddha
Our Throat Chakra is our communication center, and it is the center of truth, personal expression, listening, responsibility, faith, and creativity. Anything dealing with voice (singing, acting, communication, talking, or listening) is ruled by the Throat Chakra.
The Throat Chakra when opened and balanced allows us to speak the truth of Divine love.
Chakra 8- Third Eye Chakra : Ajna
Our third eye chakra is located in the center of our forehead, and is the center of psychic ability. Our Third Eye chakra also plays a role in our feeling, sensing, and hearing ability. This chakra also connects our energies beyond the physical.
Our Third Eye chakra regulates the decisions we make, and what we consider to be important. It oversees our dreamtime, and connects us with the subconscious mind and with the higher realms of Spirit. Learning, memory, telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, aura sensing, are all ruled by the Third Eye chakra.
Chakra 9- Crown Chakra : Sahasrara
Our Crown Chakra connects us to the higher spiritual realms. It rules our dreams, visions, hopes, and Divine realizations. Spiritual downloads, connection to Spirit, and alignment with our higher purpose are all possible through an awakened and balanced Crown Chakra.
When our Crown chakra is open and we are linked to the infinite light of the Divine above, abundance is possible in our life, including the fruition of our dreams, a true connection with Spirit, and even enlightenment.
Chakra 10- Causal Chakra
The Causal chakra is located 3 to 4 inches behind the center of the back of the head. When activated, it will move to above the Crown Chakra and this chakra is white and has feminine qualities of love, compassion, purity, and intuition.
Chakra 11- Soul Star Chakra
When activated, Divine light is able to flow through this energetic center to access higher consciousness. Here Divine love can be truly felt and experienced, and awareness of our power as a Divine soul and spiritual being is recognized.
When open, Divine light flows up through this chakra, connecting us to the infinite power of the Divine light above before flowing back down to our entire being to replenish, empower, and enlighten, before flowing once again.
In many senses, our Soul Star chakra could be called our chalice of soul energy as the full essence and power of our accumulated soul experiences are available here. Want to access the Akashic records? This too is possible from within our Soul Star chakra as is total soul realization.
Chakra 12- Divine Gateway Chakra
With our Divine Gateway chakra activated, our Divine essence is intact. This chakra center is the Divine light portal allowing us complete connection to Divine Source, and offering an open doorway to explore other worlds and realms.
Here, full ascension, advanced spiritual skills, complete oneness with Divinity and full connection to the cosmos, other worlds, and beyond is realized.
Here we enter the Super Galactic Realms, access the Divine Mother, and the Womb of the entire universe. Activating this chakra allows us to access the Goddess Light, become one with the Mother, and become a star gate ourself enabling peace, balance, and ascension to enter into humanity through us.
All the rays of the Divine, and all the qualities of the Divine represented by the higher vibration beings align with us here.
Activate this chakra, and allow all the blessings to then flow back down. Divine light pouring down through our higher chakras, in through our Soul Star and down our spinal column, through our Earth Star chakra, and directly connecting to the light at the core of the Earth before flowing up in an unending loop of Divine awakening, presence, growth, and advancement once again.
Subtle Body: A subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. According to such beliefs each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence, in a hierarchy or great chain of being that culminates in the physical form.
Nadis: Nerve, blood vessel pulse; is a term for the channels through which, in traditional indian medicine and spiritual science, the energies of the physical body, the subtle body and the causal body are said to flow. The nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity called nadischakras.
I would like to share some of the not so mentioned chakras that energy healers cleanse and energise for certain illnesses :
Forehead Chakra
The Forehead Chakra is located at the center of the forehead. The Forehead Chakra controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system.
Just as the Crown Chakra is center of higher intuition, the Forehead Chakra is the center of lower intuition or wisdom. With the activation of the Forehead Chakra we get access to the spiritual world. This chakra is the center of lower buddhic or cosmic consciousness.
One may ask, what is the difference between the higher intuition of Crown Chakra and the lower intuition of the Forehead Chakra? The Crown Chakra corresponds to the direct inner perception without form. It is pure knowledge. On the other hand, the Forehead Chakra is direct inner perception with form.
The Forehead Chakra is also known as the centre of higher clairvoyancy. It gives one the ability to see the truth using the third eye or the spiritual eye.
In esotericc Buddhism where the teachings are orally or telepathically passed from the guru to the pupil, the forehead chakra is called the lower Buddhichitta, while the crown chakra is called the higher Buddhichitta, or simply Buddhichitta.
The Forehead Chakra corresponds to the intuition and the Ajna Chakra corresponds to the intellect. A genius uses intuition rather than just pure intelligence. This is what makes them far superior to the intelligentsia and the masses. They will use this intuition to know the truth. They will extract the truth from Mother Nature with their intuition and will use Their intelligence to validate the same. Therefore, they are the perfect combination of intelligence and intuition.
One can understand the nature of an object just by direct inner seeing, without having to study, without having to use logic and reason. With the activation of the Forehead Chakra, one can simply see with the inner eye.
Meng Mein Chakra
Meng mein chakra acts as an “energy accelerator”. It controls the kidneys, adrenal gland and blood pressure. It increases the rate of vibration of the lower pranic energy thus causing the lower pranic energy to gush out with extreme speed and through the back meridian and spread to all parts of the body and up to the crown. This way the Meng Mein chakra activates the higher chakras.
What happens when the higher chakras are activated? Once the higher chakras get activated they enable us to see things as they are. We realize that every person is evolving, and evolution implies process, time and mistake. Once we are able to realize that everybody makes mistakes and this is a part of the natural process of spiritual evolution, it becomes easy for us to forgive others and also ourselves. Once we learn to forgive, we can experience inner as well as physical healing. Forgiving is basically therapeutic.
Therefore, when there is conflict, the emphasis should be to defuse it rather than to escalate it and to restore harmony and peace.
Spleen or Prana Chakra
Spleen Chakra or Prana Chakra is the point of entry for prana or life energy into the body. It is thus the source of power needed for success and victory.
The physical spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system and is related to the process of purification of blood by tackling disease-causing germs and cleansing old and worn out blood cells along with producing antibodies. The Spleen Chakra energizes the physical spleen and causes the body to be victorious over diseases and illness. It also controls the pranic energy level of the physical body. Air prana is absorbed, digested and distributed through the Spleen chakra. This chakra thus controls the quality of blood and the immune system of the body.
Other minor chakras that are important in healing : Palm, Knee and Feet chakras.
Now we have the knowledge of the 12 chakra system which includes the 7 primary chakras and 5 transpersonal chakras. How do we activate and balance our chakras? First we need to heal and balance the 7 primary chakras and then move onto the remaining 5 chakras external chakras. Simple?
With a balanced and energised chakra, we are able to live a healthy life with full abundance.
Sending my love to the world.
Peace and Love to all 💞