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Writer's picturePranalife Thrive Center

SOULMATES — Soul Family, Soul Group & Twin Flame

Our culture would have us believe that a soulmate is the perfect romantic partner. While it’s true that soulmates can make the best partners, the pairing isn’t necessarily intimate, romantic or sexual in nature. Soulmates can play any role in your life including family members, colleagues, schoolmates, neighbours, strangers and yes, lovers. A soulmate is a person whose soul has a strong connection to your soul.

Soulmates connections can be described in one of three ways : soul family, soul group and twin flames.

Soul family

Our soul family is the spiritual equivalent to our birth family here on earth. They can be anyone in our life. When we meet them, they feel like siblings or parents. A soul family’s purpose is to love, nurture, support, guide, protect and help us. If we have soul family incarnated on earth, then the chance of meeting is strong. Spiritually, you will be aware of each other, and will be intuitively drawn together. It may take many years, but when the time is right you will come together.

Sparks fly when you connect with soul family. If there’s sexual attraction, then these connections can be very exciting and passionate. Other times, the connection is more familial, one of instant kinship. No matter the nature of the connection, you will love them, and want to be with them, from the instant you meet.

Soul family connections are the most loving, supportive, nurturing and compassionate on earth. The connection is hugely powerful and undeniable. You two will be drawn together by forces stronger than any earthly conditions (i.e gender, age, marital status). You may express the connection in a romantic coupling, or by becoming the very best of friends. This person will always feel like family.

Soul family relationship have the greatest longevity. Of any relationship, this is the one that will last a lifetime (and beyond!) The connection provides such amazing love and support, that no other relationship can surpass.

Soul group

Did you ever meet someone and felt as though you knew that person for a long time, even though this was the first time you ever met? Did you ever have a connection with someone where you could finish their sentences or seemingly read their mind at will? Chances are, you’ve known these people many, many lifetimes and they are part of your soul group.

So, what is a soul group? A soul group is the pod of souls in which a soul is first created, and the group of soul to which that soul merges with upon death, Upon death, your soul leaves its body and travels back to the place of creation or what I like to call the womb of the universe. Once returned to the womb, your soul is reunited with other soul in your soul group. This is a time of utter peace and harmony, of a sense of wholeness and oneness with the universe.

A soul group is a group of infinite beings of consciousness who help you learn life lessons. Many have been with you in previous incarnations and have spent the majority of time with you in the ethereal realms.While we’re on the “other side”, we make agreements with our soul groups to meet at some juncture in our Earth-bound lives.

We come to this earth in an attempt to balance and heal karma we’ve created in past lives. Before we are born, we choose the experiences that we desire to have in this incarnation and then make soul contracts with people who will help us along the way. We also choose which parents we will have and the type of lifestyle we will lead. I asked myself, “Why did I choose THIS lifestyle”. Because we knew it would give us the best chance to learn so many life lessons and to grow spiritually. At brith, your personality, character, abilities, talents, strengths and weaknesses are already formed. Now, it’s just a matter of learning from our weaknesses and using our abilities to the utmost capacity. You might have or will meet people at the most opportune times in your life, and not by coincidence. These people are part of your soul group who will help you with your life lessons. They can be reincarnated as our family member, friend, lover or even as an enemy. Why an enemy? Well, our enemies do teach us the greatest lessons in life — To LOVE and FORGIVE.

Soul group members come into your life at significant times in order to assist you with your life’s purpose. These meetings help to fuel your spiritual growth, along with assisting you with making huge leaps forward in your life. Soul group member can play almost any role in life : best friend, your partner, a family member, a neighbour, a workmate, or someone whom you chanced to meet in passing. They help you to remember why you’re here on earth, and what you hoped to accomplish. The more spiritually in tune you are, the more of these connections you will make.

Due to the purpose-driven nature of these connections, these relationships may not last. No matter how short or long-lived, these encounters always serve a higher purpose.

Twin Flame

A twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, yet at the same time, each twin flame is a complete soul. They form a complete balance of the male and female energies and complementary to the other, like two sides of the same coin. These two individuals, possessing the same soul, are intuitively aware of each other, and spend a lifetime looking for the other.

Your twin flame acts as a guide and ballast, giving you both direction and balance while you are here in physical form. For instance, if you are female, or embody female characteristics, then your twin flame is comprised of male characteristics. You are perfect expressions of yin-yang energies. Your twin will push and pull you through learning curves. A meeting with your twin here on earth would profoundly accelerate your spiritual growth.

It can be rare to have both halves of the twin flame incarnated here on earth at the same time, however it is possible. Thou’ the chance of meeting your twin flame is slim, that doesn’t mean you can’t connect with your twin flame via spiritual mode.

You cannot hide anything from your twin flame. All aspects of your being, both light and dark, are transparent to your twin. That means anything that isn’t resolved, healed or in balance will rise to the surface when you’re together. This can be overwhelmingly intense if you haven’t work through your issues before meeting your twin. That’s why most twins have chosen not to incarnate together.

The twin flame connection transcends this earthly realm and is therefore absolutely permanent. That being said, twin flame relationships here on earth do not always last due to the intensity of the bond and the yin-yang nature of your two souls. The duration, therefore, depends greatly on timing and soul preparation.

So, did you ever look at someone and even though you never officially met them, you felt as if you’ve known this person? I met someone from the Kundalini class that I attended and she and me connect almost immediately. And there was a day that I attended an event on ‘Breath of Life’, a lady came up to me and said that I look really familiar to her, she have seen me several times somewhere but she can’t recall where… Chances are, these people are part of our soul group as well. The feeling that you’re experiencing is the remembrance of this relationship which is locked into our cellular memory. This is the point where both higher selves are in bliss and that feeling is relayed between these people as familiarity or in simpler terms, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

It is a feeling in your soul, you sense these people, often living in areas not near your home. The people who share our journeys vary as we learn and move on.

If you feel that is time to meet them, and they too are in readiness, synchronicities will reunite you. You must feel this tugging in your soul.

If you sense these souls, just relax your mind and body… clear your thoughts, see yourself as a beacon of light, send out a message and they will hear you. They may come in to help with healing and clearing, or for something beyond. You will recognise each other and move forward, and you never know who may show up.

Peace and Love to all 💞

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