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SOUL Evolution - Five Dimension of Being

Updated: Jan 13

Every Soul is on a mission to grow in awareness of itself as one with Spirit. Spirit exists in everything, and so this is where the soul’s quest begins - with everything. When a soul extends love to another, it experiences a deep connection with it. This connection is the awareness of Oneness.

  • Body

  • Mind

  • Intelligence

  • Soul

  • Spirit

Our physical body comes from our parents. We inherit the genetics from them. Our Mind comes from society - everything that is in our surroundings, including our parents, family, media, environment, religion, and even the time period in which we live. Intelligence is what differentiates between good and bad, true and false, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly; the Intelligence depends on thee accumulated experiences gained in our past lifetimes, including this lifetime. Soul is that which is immortal; it is part of the Spirit, some call it our ‘Higher-Self’ or ‘Divine Spark’.

Our higher self is a channel through which the universal guidance (spirit guides, pure light team, mentors) and wisdom is received and moved through our energy channels and filtered through ‘our own voice’ to us.

Our higher self is the part of us that is connected to cosmic consciousness (aka who you REALLY are - I AM THAT I AM). Unlike the ego self, the higher self is not illusory and is free from suffering. Spiritual practices such as meditation help us connect to our higher selves.

Using the metaphor of a tree, we can say that the entire tree is the Spirit while each leaf on the tree is a Soul.

No person, essence or entity is ‘ahead’ or ‘behind’ any other, but is simply occupying anther place in the continuous continuous circle leading to and from the God Source.

Way of being are supposed to be different in different developmental stages; at some point we experience it all, moving continually along to different levels of understanding and responsibility. While each stage is unique and manifestly distinct from the others, no one place is better or worst than any other; they all belong in this game we have chosen to play.


The Earth is a wonderful school where many Souls come for our learning, evolution and growth. We undergo a structured development - a structured way of learning. The Souls go through five stages of being an Infant Soul, a Baby Soul, a Young Soul, a Matured Soul, and Old Soul, until they realised their Buddhahood, Krishnahood or Christ Consciousness.

All the five Soul Cycles need to be passed through - there is no skipping or jumping through any Cycle of the Soul. Each Cycle can take up, an average, up to 400 lifetimes, depending on the Soul’s evolution. Each Soul moves according to its own rhythm. However, the growth can be accelerated. This is not a hierarchy - it is a stage of development.

In the incarnation path of a Soul, it is possible for the Soul to get stuck at a particular level, and then the progress gets delayed. Suicide is the one thing that causes the Soul to be stuck at a particular level, and be unable to move forward. On the Earth, it is special all the Souls from different soul cycles mix together (sometimes even living together in a single family).

The Five Soul Cycles represent the complete incarnation path of a human soul. We can match match the Five Dimensional of Being to the Five Soul Cycles: the Infant Soul is at the Body level, the Baby Soul is at the Mind level, the Young Soul is at the Intelligence level, the Mature Soul is at the Soul level, and the Old Soul is at the Spirit level.

Infant Soul live primarily in the dimension of the Body, and they identify with the Body. These are newly incarnated Souls who have just come to the Earth and are still adjusting to the physical Body. They are very sensitive, defenseless, and dependent behavior. They focus on survival and procreation. Such Souls choose to be born in groups where they can take communal responsibility. They usually do not have opinions of their own and do not take responsibility. Their intellectual center does not become fully opened in this stage, so there isn’t yet much feeling for ethics or personal morality. Survival is what is important, and whatever needs to be done for survival is done. The Infant Soul can sometimes be driven to violence without conscience or extreme self-protective behaviour by a merely unfamiliar happening. However, towards the end of the cycle, they get adjusted to the body, as they have experienced joy and pleasure on the Body level. They feel less insecure and less helpless. They are now ready to move on to the next life cycle.

Focus / Lesson : Survival Attributes: (+) Innocent, untarnished by culture, purely instinctive, (-) Fearful, withdrawn, without conscience, violent.

Baby Soul live more in the dimension of the Mind. They live according to society - they are 'obedient children of the society". They follow societal trends, culture, religion, politics etc. They look up to celebrities and successful people in the society as their role models. In this Soul cycle, the first karmic ties are created. Responsibility for the Baby Soul is just seen in the material sense. They regard people or animals as those who serve their needs - they regard only those who are useful to them, and discard those who are no longer useful. They like to explore the material world, and they are easily influenced by their social circle & trends (they follow blindly). They look at everything that happens to them as destiny or fate. By the end of this cycle, they no longer passively accept what is happening to them as fate. They decide to take action and gain control over their lives; they are ready to accept challenges and strive to succeed.

Focus / Lesson : Rules/Laws; Right and Wrong Attributes: (+) Community-orientated, law-abiding, family values, (-) Rule-based, rigid, bland, judgemental, black and white, religious fundamentalists.

Young Soul live on the level of intelligence. They gain as many experiences as possible. In order to get experiences, we need to act. They keep trying, and they keep being successful in the material world. At the start of the cycle, these Souls possess a very strong drive to succeed and achieve material wealth and success; they test their strengths and will power; and in this process, they create a lot of karmic ties. A lot of learning happens at this level. Also, the focus is always on "I", "me", "myself", and "mine". They measure their self-worth based on their material, external success. They are ambitious, self-driven, and possess good leadership skills. Success in the material world gives them great satisfaction. Young Souls have realized that their actions have consequences, but they are not yet ready to take responsibility for the same. At the same time, Young Soul are learning to impact the world, and see others as "you"s they can impact. Their experience of life is competitive, industrious, independent, profit-motivated, win-lose, and in pursuit of anything that leads. to prosperity. They fear aging, the natural decline of their bodies, and go to great lengths to preserve their status and appearance. Towards the end of the cycle, they have already achieved the peak of success, and start questioning the value of the material achievements. They start to see that these things are fleeting temporary. Money no longer gives enough satisfaction. They lose motivation to strive for wealth or material gain. They see the limitations of money and success. When this kind of thinking starts entering their mind, they are ready to graduate to the next Soul cycle.

Focus / Lesson : Success / Achievement; Win-Lose Attributes: (+) Prosperous, world builders, technology developers, infrastructure, (-) Domineering, might makes right, win at all cost, superficial, greedy.

Mature Soul live in the dimension of the Soul. This is when the Soul starts looking inward and begins to start valuing things that are not outside. Live is lived in search of eternal happiness, joy, and self-realization which cannot be achieved through name, fame, and money. In this cycle, the karmic debts start to get paid off. At the beginning of the cycle, they search for avenues of potential joy, which they often find in music and arts. They also engage in activities that do not generate a financial gain, such as social & community service work, and charity/humanitarian work. Typically, Mature Souls engage in self-reflection and introspection; they are strong and resilient; and they are responsible - morals and ethics become personal to them. Mature Soul are relationship-oriented and tend to gravitate towards emotional drama. Mature Souls, delving into their inner world and exploring relatedness, Their experience of life is dramatic, emotional, soap-opera-like, identified, intimate, empathetic, and self-aware. At the end of the cycle, they become true seekers for that which leads to eternal joy and bliss, they engage in meditation practice, and they seek self-realization. Eventually, the shift to the next level happens.

Focus / Lesson : Relationship (with self and others) Attributes: (+) Compassionate, social causes, desire to serve, good partners, (-) Overly dramatic, emotionally attached, prone to martyrdom.

Old Soul live in God-realisation. They go through the path of research, teaching and spiritual service. They understand that everything is connected - they live in a state of Oneness. This awakens wisdom and compassion. These old Souls are service-oriented, loving and compassionate, they live in accordance to the Universal Laws, personal ties mean little to them and they follow the Soul Path. Old Souls start to understand the Law of Karma (cause & effect), and they assume full responsibility for their thoughts, speech and actions.

Focus / Lesson : The Big Picture, Philosophical Perspective Attributes: (+) Nature lovers, spiritual, unassuming, wise, (-) Aloof, philosophically arrogant, unambitious.


Before we were born we, together with our Guides, designed our own Soul Plan (Blueprint for the Soul). Learning depends of the Soul's evolution - the soul Level at which we are. Infant Soul, Baby Soul, and Young Soul are on an outward journey. They learn based on what they see and on what their minds interpret - this is a superficial level of learning. Mature Souls and Old Souls are on an inward journey. They see a situation from a wider perspective. The inwards journey begins as soon as you stop seeking outwardly. Seeking is no longer external, and the answers start coming from within us. Old Souls seek the larger perspective of life and have less interest in playing the material game. They tend to be more detached and try to see themselves and others within a larger context, fostering a "live and let live" motto. Their experience of life is laid-back, easygoing, detached from emotional intensity, spiritually minded, and sometimes a little lazy. Old Souls accept the situation, learn from within (intuition), and discover bliss & happiness within themselves.


Infant: Let's not do it.

Baby: Do it right or don't do it at all.

Young: Do it my way.

Mature: Do it anyplace but here.

Old: You do what you want and I'll do what I want.


There are three possible reasons someone is manifesting a lower soul age than his/her true one:

1) Youth - the person simply hasn't yet had the time to retrace all his/her steps back to her actual soul age.

2) Review - the soul is choosing to review a younger soul age in order to strengthen some weak areas, such as an old soul reviewing young in order to get better at dealing with the modern world.

3) Being stuck - personality is unwilling to face issues that stand in the way of manifesting at his/her soul age.

It's not BAD to manifest younger because no soul age is "bad" - it's all good. However, if there's a big gap between the true and manifested ages, it may feel uncomfortable, especially if there is stuckness and essence wants to get the who on the road.


Each soul age consists of seven levels of development that must be completed before graduating to the next soul age. Each level averages 3 lifetimes to complete, sometimes more, sometimes less. An Infant Soul, for example, would begin at level one and gradually progress through six more levels before moving up to the Baby Soul stage. This continues until the 7th level of the old soul stage is reached.

There are 35 levels in total that must be completed before cycling-off the planet - 35 developmental steps of the reincarnation cycle.

  • At the first level, we're still adjusting to the new environment. We dip our toes in the water, test how cold it is, and wonder if we should get in.

  • At the second level, we wade into the water a little further, first up to our ankles, then to our waist, attempting to anchor ourselves against the undertow and feeling unsure if we were ready to make the plunge.

  • Around the third level, we finally dive in and swim below the waves, totally submerged in the experience.

  • At the fourth level, we come back up for air and now feel comfortable in the water, plunging beneath the surface for another swim, and occasionally wading into large waves that crash over us. We've discovered that the beach is fun, and we teach others what we've learned.

  • By the time the fifth level arrives, we've grown bored and want something new. We grab a surfboard and begin riding the waves, expanding on how we can experience the beach with more variety. We strive to push beyond the limits of our ability.

  • Around the sixth level, another surfer thinks we're hogging the best waves and angrily shoves us off the board. We awkwardly fall back into the water and strike our head against a rock. This could be a karmic repayment.

  • At the seventh level, we decide we've had enough and return to the beach, satisfied with the mastery we've achieved and looking forward to our next outing and a new soul age stage to explore.


Soul Age & Spiritual Advancement (Misconceptions)

A common misconception suggests that soul age is hierarchical. Thus, being an old soul is prized above any of the other soul age stages, such as infant, baby, young and mature. In short, nobody wants to be a young soul. But a young soul can be fully present and self-aware. In fact, being asleep for the entire reincarnational journey - at any soul age - is an option. It comes down to personal choice.

Yes, there are certain stereotypes for soul age, but that's all they are - stereotypes. Some old souls may be entrepreneurial and ambitious; some young souls may be spiritual. There's considerable give-and-take on how a person will manifest in life. it's never black and white. And someone who is heavily shackled by a false personality is not going to display much of their true self.

Quite often, if we find someone unlikeable, we immediately assume they must be a younger soul age. This is one of the fundamental misunderstandings of soul age. It doesn't always conform to expectations.

The degree to which you are spiritually awake denotes your level of consciousness, not your soul age.

Soul age, of course, may act as a natural reinforcement of consciousness, bolstered by the reincarnational experience acquired, but there is no guarantee that the conscious level of a soul will be commensurate with the soul age.

In other words, strictly based on hierarchical measurement, an old soul is not necessarily more advanced than a younger soul. That advancement is measured by the level of consciousness in each soul.

The level of consciousness is a measurement of how much an incarnating soul is "spiritually awake." The higher the occurrence of negative states in a personality, the lower the level of consciousness. In that respect, being awake is entirely possible in the younger soul stages. Instances exist where a 7th level old soul can possess a lower level of consciousness than a 7th young. It all depends on the quality of inner work being done by that personality.

Spiritual advancement is not directly linked to soul age. Soul age is merely an estimate of the course curriculum completed in the reincarnational cycle. Greater states of awareness may be achieved during this progression and applied to ensuing lifetimes, but work is still needed to smooth out the rough edges. The decision to evolve spiritually is a choice.

While the collective reincarnational experience of soul age may lead to spiritual development, its course of study does not immediately bestow a level of consciousness on an incarnating soul that's better or worse than another. The metamorphosis of a tadpole into a frog merely requires time for the biological process to occur, the stages of life from infant child to elderly adult require that life is lived. Any spiritual growth that transpires during that progression comes from facing life's experiences in a state of awareness that's transformative.

Therefore, higher consciousness is the awakened product of a personal choice to gain mastery over negative states and in so doing awaken to the truest potential of the soul.

The Importance of Twin Heart meditation for the Evolution of the Soul

Twin Heart Meditation (THM) is a wonderful tool which gives us both awareness and energy. in THM, we open up our heart and crown chakras and that is when our Soul and Spirit are merging together, giving us abundant cosmic energy. This is the fastest way to achieve Soul-Realization. Through THM, all the mind patterns get corrected, and all the wrong beliefs get corrected. Through THM, we can shift away from a Disastrous Mind or a Negative Mind to a Positive Mind or a Miraculous Mind. Regular THM meditation disciplines our mind and creates new ways of being. You may find when you forget to meditate for a few days to weeks, the old habits of our mind pattern may return. Hence it is important to meditate regularly.

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SPIRITUALITY is not about religion, beliefs, dogmas, it is about MASTERING The SKILLS to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

Each of us will want to lead more balanced, joyful, and fulfilled lives.

I hope you find this information helpful, or at least enlightening to some degree, and please share with your friends as this knowledge might help them to find their center and manifest towards a healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.


Peace, Love & Gratitude 💞

PranaLife Thrive Centre

Contact me @ 011 1670 3368

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