“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
Are you struggling to cope with yourself, others and your surroundings? It may be because you have not found who you really are.
Honestly, I have never been one for faith-religion type. Thou’ I grew up with Theravada Buddhism teachings in my family, I was never a ‘follow’ the norm person. I didn’t pay much attention to religious practices and prayers. But the moments I recall, during my teens, I would love to hear the monk chant prayers in Pali. It gives me the serenity and calmness and I could sit the whole day listening.
There are many experiences during my younger days, started when I was four or five years old (and I remembered my first experience) till teens that left me with lots of questions but with no answers.
I had a very special memory when I was about 11 years old, where I had a dream after my grandmother passed away, in the dream she told me to look into the cupboard at the end of my bed (I took over her room after she passed on), and to look into a particular container to find a Jade pendant. In the morning, I told my uncle and he looked into the cupboard and found the Jade pendant, and he gave it to me saying, "Looks like 'popo' (grandmother in cantonese) would like you to have it." Innocently, I happily accepted it and never thought much about it, until ....
Many more experiences and one major incident during my school days, that my schoolmates would have remembered until now..actually, many major ones after into my adulthood and no, I still did not get my answers yet, but I was not particularly looking for an answer because I did not know what it was to start of with.
Just like this story - I had not the slightest clue what it was. One day, my ex-boss came into my office room, and said "Hey, guess what?" I responded, "You know the lady in the newspaper". He was stunned, "How did you know?" and he was actually holding a newspaper. I shrugged my shoulders and both of us did not mentioned anything about it after.
As my life continues into adulthood, and in my 30s, life was getting more compact when I started my own business. Stress was piling up and I started to struggle with my emotions – emotions that I felt and see, my dreams and still no answers to my experiences. Those struggles continued and became overwhelming and whenever I tell someone what I see, I get “How come you see things no one else does” and that made me doubt myself even more. I was struggling to know myself, not understanding why my emotions was so volatile. I was confused, as times I would be myself, cheery, laughing, so full of joy and another minute I would be angry, feeling low, aches and pain here and there – so many mixed emotions. I honestly thought I had bipolar disorder at one point.
In my 40s, one day I received a call from my bestie, she gave me an E-Book, “The Empath’s Survival Guide by Dr Judith Orloff” and told me, “Liz, you need to read this, I feel this is so like you’. Without much thought, I dive into the book. Little did I know, my life was going to change in a way I could never have imagined.
I had many ‘Ahaa’ moments … I was beginning to connect the dots. The shift in my life started then and on the very day I found spirituality when I was invited by a friend to an event called ‘Breath of Life’. The very first time I was introduced to energy and later spirituality. What I discovered was that spirituality was a much broader concept that went beyond mere faith-based religions. I would define spirituality as the manner in which we carry out our lives. The ethos behind our reasoning.
One of the key parts of my spirituality begins with meditation and ends with a clear mind. Meditation is often preached by many to cure all manner of ills. I strongly believe that, if used correctly, meditation can have a transformative effect on your life. Just like it did for me.
How did I center and ground my mind so fast compared to many that may have meditated for many years? I was fortunate to be introduced to ‘Meditation of Twin Hearts’. This is an advanced meditation technique for illumination and peace. I took a step further in learning about energy and energy healing in Pranic Healing.
In fact, my entire life now is a lot less stressful now. Of course, learning and listening to Pranic Healing’s teachings how to lead a happier life and connecting to your soul purpose has also helped here. I find the teachings are pragmatic and easy to practice in our current modern lifestyle. For the last two years, I have been learning and allowing myself to heal.
Certainly, meditation and listening on its own is not a cure-all. No one thing can be. However, accepting new ways of thinking, both outwardly and inwardly changed my life for the better. I would not be where I am today without this approach to my life. I thought I was a weird one but it turned out that who I am was hidden in the clouds, now that the clouds are cleared, I found the better version of myself.
Good question, how did the book helped me? It connected me to who I really am, answers to the experiences that I was feeling and seeing and further into Pranic healing, learning about energy and its deeper studies connects the dots even more. I no longer struggles with my emotions, I am able to differentiate the types of energy in my space. Awesome discoveries!
Being sensitive is a beautiful gift.
Does my experiences resonates with you?
Are you an EMPATH?
If this article, resonates with you, deep down you know the answer.
"I allow myself to heal"
Do connect with me, I love to hear from you 💞
SPIRITUALITY is not about religion, beliefs, dogmas, it is about MASTERING The SKILLS to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
Each of us will want to lead more balanced, joyful, and fulfilled lives.
I hope you find this information helpful, or at least enlightening to some degree, and please share with your friends as this knowledge might help them to find their centre and manifest towards a healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.
Peace and Love to all 💞
PranaLife Thrive Centre
Contact me @ 011 1670 3368