Do you believe me if I say, “Your thoughts have a powerful influence in your life?”
How many of us go through life taking little notice of our thought processes; how the mind thinks, what it fears, what it heeds, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. For the most part, we go about our lives with minimal attention paid to how we think, neglecting the most important and powerful forces in our life : OUR THOUGHTS.
How do we direct our thoughts towards a desired outcome? Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure and you attract failure. As easy as that? Yes, it is and there is no mystic secret formula. It is based on the Universal Law of Attraction.
A powerful thoughts change our life, once they reach a certain consistent intensity. Our physical reality is an energetic system. There are particles of energy all around us. These particles coalesce to create matter. Our thoughts are energy, our words are energy, and our actions are energy. We create manifestations through thoughts, words and actions that use energy to form objects, conditions and experiences.
Have you ever thought or fear of something and the more you think about it, the more it does not work? However, when you have the confidence something can and will work and true enough, it worked. How did that happen?
To radically change our approach to life, we must come to understand how we operate in this energetic environment. Are you bringing positive and high energy to everything you do? Or, more likely, do you operate at lower levels of energy?
Energy moves at certain speeds, Low energy is slower, whereas high energy is faster. Happiness is more energetic than sadness. Walking is more energetic than sitting. Smiling is more energetic than frowning. Passion is more energetic than apathy. This is what we, in pranic healing (also known as ‘energy healing’) call a higher emotions, which vibrates on a higher frequency vs lower emotions, which vibrates on a lower frequency. So now, do you see how this system works? Can you understand how our current approach to life would be enhanced with a more energetic thoughts? The simplest explanation is for us to be aware of the current energetic level of our thoughts and then to replace those thoughts with higher-energy thoughts.
Yes, I hear you..how do we do that, right? Well, we all know we have a subconscious, however for most of us, our knowledge of it ends there. Our subconscious mind is a second, hidden mind that exists within us. It interprets and acts upon the predominating thoughts that reside within our conscious mind, which I would like to describe a library that has lots of archived files, files that we created since young until to-date and its’ goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the images of the archived files.
Our mind is constantly filtering and bringing to our attention information and stimuli that affirms your preexisting beliefs (this is known in psychology as confirmation bias) as well as presenting us with repeated thoughts and impulses that mimic and mirror that which we’ve done in the past.
The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest thoughts of success, abundance and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Our subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like our conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what we are thinking.
Once we understand that our subconscious will bring us what we need or desire, and we begin working daily to project thoughts and images of what we want, seemingly chance-events will start happening to us. To the untrained mind, synchronicity appears to be coincidence or luck, but it is neither. It is simply the operation of the forces we have set into motion with our thoughts. This powerful inner collaborator, working with our conscious mind, will bring to us the people and circumstances we require to achieve our goals.
Modern physics sees the universe as a vast, inseparable web of dynamic activity. Not only is the universe alive and constantly changing, but everything in the universe affects everything else. At its most primary level, the universe seems to be whole and undifferentiated, a fathomless sea of energy that permeates every object and every act. It is all one. Scientists are now confirming what mystics and seers have been telling us for thousands of years: we are not separate from, but part of one greater whole.
We now know that everything in the universe is made up of energy. Everything from the items in our home, to the events that happen to us, and even our thoughts are made up of vibrations of energy. This means our thoughts are made of the exact same substance as the building blocks of the universe. Knowing this, we can use it to our advantage.
In the past, it might have seemed unbelievable that we could create our reality through this process. But now we know how to do it, and why it works. Since our thoughts are energy, it only makes sense that repeated images, affirmations, deeply held beliefs, fears and desires would have an effect on our own reality by vibrating within the larger web of reality. In fact, if we are all connected, how could it be otherwise?
We live in an immense quantum sea of vibrating energy that is responsive to how and what we think. Our thoughts are creative forces and are constantly expressing themselves in our lives. Once we realize this, we can begin designing our lives with clarity and purpose.
So how can we use this reality in our lives? By focusing daily on what you desire. That’s the mental trick, our subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Our subconscious will act upon the images we create within whether they reflect our current reality or not.
Eliminating Negative Thinking
We already know that what we focus on we attract. Worry, fear, and negative thinking allow the mind to focus on things we do not want, train our mind to think about what we want in life, and avoid thinking about what we do not want. Negative thinking drains our energy and is counterproductive; that is why fear is so destructive and why despair and hopelessness must be avoided.
So how do we eliminate this negative thinking? The first step is to recognise the importance of eliminating negative thoughts, and the second step is to be aware when negatives are happening to us.
We can’t avoid negative thinking entirely. Sometimes negative thoughts just pop into our mind. When this happens, we must be aware, so that we immediately recognise when we are thinking negatively. When we catch ourselves thinking negative thoughts we can use any of these techniques:
1) Change the negative thought into a positive one.
If you are worried and focusing on what could go wrong in a situation, change your thoughts to what could go right. Your mind can only think one thought at a time, so changing the negative into a positive eliminates the negative.
2) Remind yourself: a negative thought is just a negative thought.
A thought has no power other than what you give it. Negative thoughts gain momentum when you think them over and over again. So stop thinking them.
The key is to catch the negatives before they have time to become entrenched. With practice you will notice right away when you are thinking negatives, and you then can take the appropriate actions. The mind is a creature of habit, so encourage positive thoughts and eliminate negative ones.
Restraining our mind to be our Ally, not our enemy
1. Always affirm the positive.
Avoid asking yourself, “What if it’s a terrible interview?”, “What if this does not work?” or thinking things like, “I’m so nervous”, “I am jinxed”. These statements focus on the opposite of what you want. Be positive, and use words that reflect what you want to happen. If you want to be confident, use that word in your affirmation.
2. Make your affirmations short and simple.
Use a short phrase, or one sentence at the most. Your affirmation should be like a simple mantra that you can repeat over and over again, without thinking.
3. Don’t force yourself to believe it. Just say it.
You do not need to force yourself to believe your affirmation, simply repeat it over and over and it will naturally have an effect on you. Repeating the statement many times will cause it to work for you.
Affirmations are simple, easy to use, and very powerful. Many professional use them to perform well. Successful business people use them to close deals and run their businesses, and artists use them to be creative and come up with innovative ideas. You can use them too, in any area of your life.
“Control your vibration and you’ll control your world ~ Justin Perry “Every act of love and kindness raises the vibration of the entire universe”
Peace and Love to all 💞