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Hello, I'm Liza Lew

Liz profile sitting_edited.jpg
I am a spiritual being having a human experience (as I believe we all are).
Spiritual awakening is like soaring as an EAGLE.
You witness from HIGHER PERSPECTIVE.
You GLIDE with the wind with great CALMNESS
You SIGHT with great SHARPNESS
Eagle is a totem of

Liza Lew,

Founder of Pranalife Thrive

Who I Am

I love my first Latte of the day, getting lost in music and books, walks in the evening (and watching how the light comes through the trees), crystals, essential oils, cuddling my furry Ewok, watching movies, spending quality time with my family, being near nature, hiking to the waterfalls, cycling, my love for seafood, yoga, meditation and breathwork.

What I do

As I take a holistic approach to coaching and see your life as interconnected, I wear a few different hats. I’m trained as an Energy Healer, Body Psychotherapist, Regression Therapist, Akashic Practitioner, Psychorientologist and as a Spiritual Life Coach. However, my client experience has largely centred around navigating their spiritual awakening and finding life purpose – where I apply the principles of both energy, life and spirituality.

So, if I had to sum it all up, I’m a Spiritual & Transformation Life Coach!

I enable spiritually-aware people who are feeling off balance, unfulfilled or undervalued to create a life with greater peace, purpose and prosperity*.

*my definition of prosperity is not just limited to money but also includes time, love and experiences.


Life lessons taught me that a wholesome life involves a harmonious balance and integration of:


  • Being and Doing - Embracing the state of simply existing and being present (Being) while also taking action and achieving goals (Doing).


  • Feminine and Masculine - Blending the nurturing, intuitive, and compassionate aspects (Feminine) with the assertive, analytical, and decisive qualities (Masculine).


  • IQ & EQ = Conscious Intelligence - Combining intellectual intelligence (IQ), which involves cognitive abilities and logical reasoning, with emotional intelligence (EQ), which includes self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Conscious Intelligence represents a holistic understanding of oneself and others, fostering a more mindful and connected way of living.


This integration fosters a well-rounded and fulfilling existence, with personal growth, meaningful relationship, and overall well-being.


My Purpose

My purpose is to enable you to use your life challenges as a catalyst to a deeper awakening.

An awakening not only to your true potential but to who you are underneath the roles you play and to the higher force which supports you.  So that you can connect with the peace, purpose and prosperity that is waiting for you.


* * * * *


A Prayer of Compassion​​​


May I become at all times, both now and forever,

A protector for those without protection,

A guide for those who have lost their way,

A ship for those with oceans to cross,

A bridge for those with rivers to cross,

A sanctuary for those in danger,

A lamp for those without light,

A place of refuge for those who lack shelter,

And a servant for all in need.


- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Ancient Wisdom, Modern World



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