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Bio-Field Therapy

Biofield therapies are noninvasive therapies in which the practitioner explicitly works with a client's biofield (interacting fields of energy and information that surround living systems) to stimulate healing responses in patients.

Body Psychotherapy

Body Psychotherapy operates on the principle that the body and mind are interconnected, meaning emotional, mental, and relational issues manifest in both.


Our skilled therapists utilize their High Sense Perception (HSP) to understand the link between clients' thoughts and bodily sensations, emotions and physical feelings, and the bodily experiences that arise during therapy sessions.


Even the simplest illness has a story waiting to be told.

Time Capsule Healing

During Time Capsule Healing, our skilled therapists utilize their High Sense Perception to connect to unresolved past-life events that still profoundly affect the client. Thought-forms from past incarnations attract conditions and situations of similar frequency to the individual based on the principle of inherent cause or karmic seed, held in the 8th consciousness.


These are seen at the astral level as compressed conscious forms in specific body locations. Often, underlying medical conditions or chronic pain are linked to these areas where the time capsules are located in the astral level of the auric field.


The objective of this healing is to merge the negative thought-forms with the positive intent separated from their origin, allowing physical issues to find divine expression and resolution. This process addresses what negatively charged objects and energies cannot spontaneously heal if left to time and space alone

Core Light Healing

Core Light Healing aims to access and harness the core essence of an individual's inner light or spiritual energy, promoting healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This method integrates various techniques to clear blockages, balance energy, and facilitate profound transformation.


Our trained therapists use their High Sense Perception (HSP) to align and harmonize the body's energy centers, ensuring a healthy energy flow. They also address and release past emotional and psychological traumas affecting current well-being, while enhancing the connection to one's higher self or spiritual essence to foster inner peace and purpose.


This profound transformation gently guides our clients along their soul path, leading to a deeply meaningful and fulfilling experience in their current lifetime.

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